WildStar blends together the wildstar gold real-time action combat and the need to aim your attacks we've seen in other MMOs like TERA with the traditional genre staple of action bars. The first WildStar thing you need to get to grips with though is the Telegraph system. It's simple enough, but as it shows both where your attacks will land and where damage will fall, it's crucial to get to grips with as early as possible.

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"Telegraphs are the system that we use to denote where damage is on the ground," Frost explains. "you can buy wildstar gold in http://www.gold4fans.com/Game/wildstar_na.aspx",So if I hit my--I'm a warrior--if I hit my number one ability it creates a cone in front of me. Anything within that cone gets hurt, and so this is also something that happens on mobs in the world, too. So they have telegraph. So let's say that there is a guy with a gun: he has a long line in front of him and anything within that long line will get hurt. So if I have a friend and I that are trying to fight him, we have to dodge out of the way by using double tap to dodge or I can shift sprint to get out of the way quicker.


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