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En plus de participer un gouvernement jeunesse, de mettre en valeur le Canada au village des pays et d'tre hbergs dans une famille locale o changent culturels vont de soi, les Canadiens se font des copains. D'ailleurs les gamins du Lyce Claudel et ceux du Congo sont insparables depuis le dbut du tournoi.

Simon O'regan (Aston Villa fan) says. Also Hernandez should have been sent off as he inexplicably escaped a booking for leatheing the ball into the Holte End well after having been flagged offside, we all know that Brown Vidic should have been sent off. The bigger teams always get the decisions going their way time time again, it's a disgrace

I don't think it's necessary for referees to explain penalty calls because they either think it is or it isn't, but for decisions like the Vidic Young incident, where two exact same things are dealt with differently, there needs to be some clarification. We need to know why these decisions were made

On the sales desk, Credit Suisse reached into the ranks of the private equity funds to bring back talent. Steve Uzkay joined the firm last week as co head of Canadian equities after working for Rathlin Capital, a private equity fund and adviser. Prior to working at Rathlin, Mr. Uzkay spent eight years at UBS Securities. The plan is to have Mr. Uzkay share responsibilities with incumbent Dwayne Nash until the end of the year, when Mr. Nash moves back to the United States after two years in Toronto.

The talent on the RBNY team wasn't anywhere as bad as their record suggested. Osorio's fifa 15 coins pc foreign signings (Pietrovallo, Pacheco, Johnson, Cichero) were abysmal, and the tactics were obscene, but it wasn't a surprise that someone who keeps the tactics and personnel similar from game to game could move the results more towards the MLS mean.

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